Mandatory Fields

This form is for admissions managers to seek consent from the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT), as substitute decision maker, for an adult to be admitted to a care facility admission or remain in a facility.

Under Part 3 of the Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act, informed consent must be obtained before an adult is admitted to a residential care facility. In cases where the adult has been assessed as incapable of providing informed consent, a substitute decision maker is required. For more information, please see Practice Guidelines for Seeking Consent to Care Facility Admission and B.C. Government Consent to Care Facility Admission.

The adult must be aged 19 or over and determined to be incapable of making the decision by either an Incapability Assessment Report for Care Facility Admission Decisions, which must be submitted to the PGT, OR a court order that appoints the PGT as the adult’s Committee of Person.

Information you provide is for the purpose of making a decision about admission to, or continued residence in, a care facility for an adult who is not able to consent themselves. Information is collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and other applicable legislation. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of information, contact the PGT's Information and Privacy Officer at 604-660-4444 or